Writing My Wild

Greetings, lovely reader. I had no idea when I woke up this morning that I would be sitting on my porch starting a new blog, but here I am. I have been reading Glennon Doyle‘s most recent book, Untamed, for over a month. I’ve barely made it 80 pages in because I’m unable to read it all at once.

It’s like that scene in The Neverending Story when Bastian realizes that the book he’s been reading is his own story. He closes it, puts it down – terrified of the truth in the pages and the call to action inside. He is the hero of the story he’s been reading and he must DO SOMETHING before he loses all the characters he’s come to love. As I read Glennon share her very personal story, I see painful and glorious truths about myself in her words. Untamed is my story. It’s OUR story as women who are raised to fit in when all the while there is another truth inside of us that must be lived.

Today as I was reading the book, I literally sprung up out of my seat, ran to get my laptop, and started writing whatever came to mind because I didn’t want to forget it. I wanted to process it, reflect on it, hold it for later so it didn’t get lost in the noise, and the “Mommy!”‘s, and all the interruptions of the day.

This blog is the journey of one reader being untamed. It’s a collection of reactions and reflections that I likely would not have had if I’d not dared to read this book. This is my thank you to Glennon for giving me new language and being vulnerable and giving me permission to be vulnerable in such a profound way. This is for my sister friends who have yet to learn to trust their inner voices. This is for my sons who I hope will love or raise or lead wild women of their own. This is for my daughter whose wild I will fight to the death to protect. This is me asking my indoctrination to take a backseat and inviting my imagination to ride shotgun so that we can begin writing our wild.

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